This culture & arts event is a boutique sized, multi-vector, curated, profit sharing festival aiming to cross pollinate people in Richmond, Virginia. It is shepherded by the local creative haus, SPECTACLE & MIRTH.

This endeavor, aims to foster the resilient creative spirit of the city amidst its many transformations. To further cultivate the city's fertile ground for experimentation in performance & mutual aid. To bring more voices & hearts together.

This year…

We are delighted to experiment with the programming of this fest to include the many unique but often silo’d creative cultures of Richmond. We are hosting:

  • Game jams, adventures & playtesting

  • Art Market

  • Cabarets & late night parties

  • Immersive theatrical events

  • Live Double Features

  • A public Fringe Funeral for collective grief & resilience

After the shows, we want you to Dive in, get down, lift your knees up, & fall into each others arms…

SATURDAY After Hours 2025


SUNDAY After Hours 2025

Get your knees up with Elby Brass after the always inspiring Révéler Snday Jazz Workshop!

MONDAY After Hours 2025

The return of cult music & cinema experiment Silent/Music Revival to close out the festival!


Where are the events in 2025?

Good question. Check this map!

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Why curated?

Richmond Fringe wants to discern those who are in readiness to present & willing to push conversations forward. We do not sit in judgement of you or your work’s value.

In a profit sharing model we must trust & respect one another.

This is a Queer & BIPOC positive event.

Community Chaos Mural

For 2 editions we painted and played and smeared and laughed and got a bit messy at out HQ and this 3 day collaborative masterpiece was guided by local muralist Emily Herr. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM???

Want to hear from us? We want to hear from you!


Originally, we founded this because Richmond is fertile ground but venues for collaboration are disappearing. Fewer places to play, fewer places to connect, fewer reasons to even try those things. Let us not go quietly- let us light a lamp and gather in close to share stories.

How did this start?

Originally slated to launch in April 2020 (We know!) our innaugural year transformed into the very first digital fringe Festival in the world. In those wild west days of streaming in early lockdown times, we hosted excellent art at a low ticket price, accessible digital spaces, performance art, satire, musical spectacle, dance, circus, burlesque, and a new online Fringe Family.

#WeMakeOurOwnLight #RichmondFringe